My humblest apple-hoagies, erstwhile travelers of the Internet and other such houses of ill repute. This hath been an unforgiving week of grueling exertion pour moi as I have undergone several changes in my life.
I have been so exhausted and overbusy that it has been impossible to find the time to write up a new Philosophical Friday. Please, I implore of you, seek not your most wrathful rewengi on me, for I am but the messenger to your own thoughts and dreams.
I suppose I could go into some spiel on the nature of time and the teenage existential angst of reality, but tempo non habeo cogere ergo non sum.
I seek to upload what I can and hope to put up a new rant… er, philosophical revelation by Monday. In the meantime, please enjoy the following video of cats doing adorable things, the highest form of Internet entertainment.
Why did you stop writing?
ReplyDeleteWhy have you stopped writing?