Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Saturnalia Update

Salutations friends.  I hope that you have all had a joyous and festive Saturnalia and gave many thanks to the gods of winter.  It is a joyous time for feasting and drunken debauchery, so grab a slave wench and have a grand old time the Roman way.

It has been quite some time since I've been on here (two moon years by standard human temporal evaluation) and I believe you all deserve some sort of an explanation.  You see, there was a storm. It was kind of a big deal.  You may have heard of it.  It was called Sandy and due to my current living situation being situated right in the northward path of that cyclopean cyclone, I was without home or water or power or heat or internet for quite some time.  Each has been restored to me as of the eighth night of Chanukkah, making this year quite the amazing haul as far as gifts are concerned.  In addition, I began a new job and have been trying to adjust and acclimate myself to a new schedule and lifestyle.  Before I knew it, the Mayan apocalypse was upon us and I thought, to hell with it; I'll just wait this out and should we survive, perhaps I'll return to my blog for the new year.

So there it is folks, my long and tiring war against the elements of nature and the repetitive memes of human mass hysteria.  I hope to be fully operational again and destroying planets with my giant laser beam as soon as the the new Star Wars trilogy arrives, but before that, my new year's resolution (the one I'll actually keep) is to return regularly to my blog with more updates from my deranged yet often entertaining piece of brain work.  Or as I call it, Davy.

For the future, I'll work at more Philosophical Fridays, some more In a World Gone Writes, and should my friend and I ever get the time, I have some ideas for vlogs I'd like to make for the site.  For those of you sitting at home who just said, "huzzah, what?" a vlog is a conjugation of "video log" much as a blog is a shortening of "weblog".  You may now all respond with, "ahhhhh."

That is all.  Transmission terminated.

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