Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 1 - Trapped in the Blogosphere.

Experiment #42

All previous attempts to interact meaningfully with the internet have met with little success.  Unfortunately, due to an unfortunate accident that unfortuitously has left me using the word unfortunate a lot, I have lost Experiments #s 1-41 in an unfortunate tragic accident involving a time machine and a toaster.  My apologies to the 17th century.  However, enjoy your hot, toasty sandwiches should you ever stop fighting over the Americas long enough to invent electricity or sandwiches.
(Note to self: 17th Century also lacking in copious amounts of internet.)

So why am I here?  That, my friends, is a question best left up to gods and philosophers.  And being that God is dead and philosophers are soon to follow, I think I'll skip that one entirely and just get right down to brass tacks and explain why I am not here.  There, wasn't that simple?

As I was saying, Experiment #42... Experiment #42... ah, yes!  I have opened a blog.  An unfortu... unfor... unforeseen consequence to this action has been that I find myself currently trapped in the latest section of the ever expanding, all-encompassing, not truly existing, but ever-present-in-our-lives monster that is known as cyberspace.  That section, located far above the Facebook Empire that rests over the long forgotten realms of Myspace and Geocities, is the mighty blogosphere.

How did I get here?  That too is a very good question, and one I truly wish I had an answer for.  Experiment #42 ultimately did not leave much time for answers.  Only questions.  Ultimate questions.  The ultimate answers seem to already have been answered.

In conclusion, I welcome you, my friends, to join me, as I try to make sense of my new surroundings, escape the vile obscenity that holds firm over this landscape, right what once went wrong, and hope that each time, my next leap will be the leap home.

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