Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 2 – It Bloggles the Mind

Exploration Logbook Entry #1

I leave this record for future generations who find themselves lost on the internet, surrounded by its mountain-high walls of pornography and valleys of creepier pornography.

It has been 24 hours or so now since I found myself trapped in the blogosphere.  Time is funny here so I may not be entirely accurate on that number.  I have witnessed the temporal focus of this, for lack of better word, place accomplish strange feats, including reverse esrever gnidulcni ,staef feats, including reverse, repeat, and even flash forward.  Keeping track of it all using so I just decided up and give up it all was just so confusing so I just decided to give up and keep typing.  If you should find any strange errors in this blog, just chalk it up to oddities located in the time stream.

During the time or the lack of time that I have been here (as I have stated, or will state, the temporal schematics here are, were, and will be confusing) I have attempted to retrace my steps in order that I may find my way out of this place.  So far, I have had no luck.  Once one enters the internet, it is a very difficult place to then exit.

It has come to my attention through interaction with some local bloggers that the blogosphere is meant to accomplish some higher, unseen, and highly convoluted purpose.  This purpose, of which the bloggers themselves appear to be completely ignorant of, is meant to permeate the internet and reach out to the world outside, the world of the users, my world.  If I could find purpose in my blog, perhaps I too could reach out to users and escape this world-wide web.

Ah, screw it.  I'll just write whatever comes to mind and to hell with the users.  This is a blog about nothing, and sometimes my cat.  Or is it?